Saint John's Lacrosse

Saint John's Lacrosse
Official Blog of the Johnnies

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Windy City

The Johnnies arrived late last night safe and sound in Barrington, Ill. Thank you to Steve our bus driver for getting us there safely!

We watched movies and also partook in mandatory "quiet / study-time" on the bus.

"This is something you should get used to," Coach Derek Daehn said to the team.

This morning was spent in meetings The Johnnies are currently spending sometime bonding. They are at a local movie theater getting familiar with the Oscar nominated film, Slumdog Millionaire or watching the 2009 thriller, Taken. Both movies come highly recommended so ask your favorite Johnnie for their movie review.

The team will be stopping by the Burgeson residence who are graciously hosting us for dinner tonight, then it will be off to the Lake Barrington field house to play Carthage College at 8 p.m.

I will try to post the results later tonight! Wish the Johnnies good luck!

Mike Murakami

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